On February 15, 2024, the 19th Judicial District Court held its Opening Ceremony for the Veterans Treatment Court. Led by the Honorable Donald R. Johnson, Chief Judge, and the Honorable Ronald R. Johnson, Presiding Judge, the mission of the Veterans Treatment Court is “to reduce the rate of recidivism by resolving criminal cases through treatment and support, to best serve the needs of the defendant by promoting sobriety, recovery, and stability, to best serve the victim, and preserve the safety of the community.” The ceremony was held in the 11th floor courtroom at the 19th JDC. With a turnout of around 150 guests, the court was opened with the Posting of Colors from Southern University Army ROTC. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Rev. Alexis Anderson delivered the invocation and Jimecia Williams, Veterans Treatment Court Coordinator, provided the Welcome and the Recognition of Special Guests. Our special guests included the individuals and organizations who donated the bases and flags of each branch of the military, which are posted in Judge Johnson’s courtroom.

Speakers for the event included Mr. Byron Comeaux of the American Legion, Mr. Earnest Buckner Jr. of the Louisiana Department of Veterans Affairs, and Dr. Lawton Searcy of Elayn Hunts Correctional Facility. Present for the ceremony and also recognized to speak were District Attorney Hillar Moore and Senator Regina Ashford Barrow. Vendor tables were set up after the ceremony for the community to engage with and receive information from various community partners and agencies including Capital Area Human Services, Avenues Recovery, Woodlake Addiction Recovery Center, Longbranch Recovery, Tulane Center for Brain Health, and The Bridge Center for Hope.
The 19th JDC Veterans Treatment Court Opening Ceremony was received well by all who attended and even reached those who were unable to be present. Members of the community have shared their sentiments on the excitement of the court officially opening and have expressed how pivotal the program will be for the success of veterans. While the program is voluntary, the program is designed to reduce recidivism, promote self-sufficiency through employment and education, and help the Veteran remain in the community as a productive and responsible member of society. We are excited to be operational and look forward to the strides and positive impact our program will have for our justice involved veterans.