The Nineteenth Judicial District Court is one of Louisiana’s 42 judicial districts and has original jurisdiction of all civil and criminal matters in East Baton Rouge Parish.  There are fifteen elected judges (Division A through Division O) in the Nineteenth Judicial District. There are also four commissioners for the Nineteenth Judicial District whom are selected by the judges of the Nineteenth Judicial District.

If you have a video conference with a Judge’s office, please click the button below for additional information.

Judges of the 19th Judicial District Court

pictured seated from left to right - Judge Tarvald A. Smith, Judge Beau Higginbotham, Judge Richard “Chip” Moore, Chief Judge Donald R. Johnson, Judge Wilson E. Fields, Judge Fred Crifasi, and Judge Kelly Balfour.

pictured standing from left to right - Judge Ronald Johnson, Judge Tiffany Foxworth-Roberts, Judge William “Will” Jorden, Judge Eboni Johnson Rose, Judge Brad Myers, Judge Gail Horne Ray, Judge Louise Hines, and Judge Colette M. Greggs.

19th JDC News and Updates